Montag, 2. September 2013

Birthday present from my hostfamily=) (Hershey Park)

It is the 30.08.2013 and we are going to the Hershey park=) To all who don't know what Hershey park is... It is a big park like Six Flags or Europa Park (in Rust Germany). So I was going for the ultimate American Roller coaster experience=)))))) here some pictures...:

Hershey Park:

Map overview:

Favorite Roller coaster (Sky rush)(75 Mph)

Second Favorite (Storm Runner)(Rocket start)(72 Mph)

Fahrenheit (vertical lift coaster):

Great Bear:

But the Hershey park isn't just a roller coaster park it is a water slide park also=)

Chocolate fabric Hershey:

And after a great day with more than 2 rides on each roller coaster..... dinner in Wendy's=)

Quellen: Googel+Youtube 

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