Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013

My first baseball game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My first baseball game!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what happened???

I was today at a Phillis game!!!!!!! 
Sammi Paul invited me, because they have season tickets and they are not normal season tickets!!!! They were VIP tickets! We were so close to the home plate that you could see us on TV! It was just so amazing and a great experience! It was such a big stadium and so many people! Just amazing! The tickets were really cool, because you can buy with them for 30.- fan stuff like shirts hats and stuff like that...=)

Thank you to Family Paul for inviting me!

Here are some pictures..... 

I in front of the stadium

I with fanatic

Marina, Sammi, Fanatic, Me=)

My first Phillis Game certification!!!

We got both one=)

Marina, I, Sammi

Our view!!!!! direct behind the home plate!!!!

OMG we are on TV!!!!!!!!!!

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